Author: <span>Barbara Thomas</span>

Author: Barbara Thomas

Prayer and Gratitude

One morning as I watched the sunrise over the ocean, I had a ‘teaching awareness’ that the colors of sunrise and sunset are an angelic gift and blessing. It is announcing the ceremony that occurs when the guardian angels of the night are leaving and the guardian angels of the day are taking over. The sunset colors are making the same announcement as the angelic guards change places once again. The colors are the garments angels and elementals wear as they release the healing energies to clear the human polluting thought forms gathered each night and each morning.

My feeling of gratitude to the angels for this beautiful daily ritual gives them great joy to be named and recognized for their selfless service to humanity, Gaia, and all the dimensions of nature.

Den Du Speaks

WHEN I OPENED THE DOOR I felt 5 or 6 elementals waiting to come in. I felt the larger overshadowing neighborhood elemental enter also.
With the pendulum I asked Mano if my awareness was true and he said, “yes.”
I realize this is the same being I met a few weeks ago. He has appeared twice in the paintings I have been doing here at the beach. The first was a few elementals with one larger being with a pointed ear. I called this an ‘elf ear’. It was the first time I have seen a being like that. A few weeks later he appeared again in my painting this time as a single being. I realized he was making himself known to me.

Guided by the Light

Well, I never thought I would hear myself say I am a mystic, much less put it in print in a book for people to read. Yet in all fairness, as I write this book, I need to tell my truth; all of the stories I tell about the residents of Jim’s Road come from that spiritual perspective. I confess, that is who I am and how I view life.
Since my life is full, rich, and active in the outer world with family, friends, travel, painting, writing, and other creative interests, I need to say that I have an inner life that is just as active, rich, and full, peopled with the beings of this land, angels, devas, and elementals. Gnomes seem to be a particular focus for my inner life.
The reason I write this book and tell you of my inner life is that I feel it is imperative that we, all of humanity, wake up to the reality of the inner world, the non-physical world that we live within.

Mano’s Request

The last two days I can feel around five elementals enter my apartment as the door closes. I then am aware of my house elementals greeting the newcomers and offering to show them around the two rooms.

The beach elementals have heard my song and been aware of a certain energy emanating from my apartment. This radiation comes from ‘the workers’ who evacuated with me when the fire took my home, and from six large gnome figures that have been given to me after the fire.



Within the next 19 days I will have my 94th birthday and the one-year anniversary since the Fire that took my home, Amity Cottage.

I choose to honor Mary Jane and share her first Blog in celebration of this ‘milestone’ in my life. If Mary Jane had not said yes to Mano’s request to write his Blog, it may never have happened. I am so grateful to Mary Jane for saying yes. It has opened the door for me to feel confident and also be willing to say Yes .db. 

Nature Has A Dream

Mano told me, “Nature has a dream.” Then he asked me to think of the Spirits of Nature as My Beloved Community, to speak to then, express my gratitude, and open to dialogue and conversation with them. He asked me to be mindful of my Guardian Aangel and body elemental. He asked me to recognize the Angels that are present to fulfill my needs and open pathways to fulfill the intentions and prayers I make. They dream for relationship, they dream for shared affection.

Guidance and Gifts of Awareness

Mano has asked me to tell you about my personal process to stay aligned with Spirit, Nature, the elemental and angelic kingdoms.

I know this relationship has been given to me as a spiritual gift. I know I prayed for years for this to happen. I know I have been gifted and watched over carefully all of my life.

As I look back over my life, I see peeks into the future that have been offered many times in my youth and early adult life.

Every so often a strong thought would come into my mind. There was a time I heard an audible voice calling my name, “Barbara.” I would answer, “What? What?” But no more was given. Now I see this was the beginning of being aware there may be more than my everyday self knows. There may be another dimension to life that is calling my name. In that period of time in my mid 20’s, the Council started guiding circumstances to support my spiritual awakening. It was an unusual path, unexpected and intriguing.


During my evacuation time here in Capitola, I decided to put together a small book of poetry and prose I have written over the years. Last week I moved into overwhelm while taking care of many diverse details and responsibilities. Mano came to my aid reminding me of an experience I had with some elementals I met in the Amphitheater a few years ago. I followed their guidance and harmony was restored in my life. I share my experience from a story in my new book.

The Real Barbara Thomas

On August 19, 2020, ten days after I turned 93, the CZU Lightning Complex fire flamed its way through the Santa Cruz Mountains taking the sweet mountain cottage and all of my possessions I had lived with for the past 32 years.

With the help of my son Peter, I started plans to rebuild immediately. The words, “I am going to build a Japanese style house,” floated out of my mouth without ever touching my mind.

My Guiding Spirts were immediately present to support me through this trauma and transition. Their first guidance was to tell me the burning of the cottage was a ‘sacrificial offering.’ Now eight months later, a hint of the story has been revealed.

Becoming A Volunteer

The idea of asking for volunteers caught my attention, and the picture of Steiner, founder of Waldorf education, making the contact amused me enormously. Barbara writes about this sense of volunteering: “When I was 30, I heard a prophecy that angels and humans would walk side by side in the next Golden Age and that they would need human volunteers to do this. I offered myself and prayed to be called on. Now I see that I and the gnomes I relate with have all volunteered for this experiment and service, to learn how to be aware of each other, relate and co-create.”