My Art as Healer and Revealer

My Art as Healer and Revealer

Faerie by Barbara Thomas

REMINDER from Mano:

It gives us great joy to interact with each of you on a personal basis when you open to interact with your Council or Guardian Angel.

REMARKS from Barbara:

This week’s sharing came from a process I call “brain drain” which means just to start writing my opening thoughts then keep recording the ones that follow as they appear in my mind.

This week’s painting shows an earth being poking its head out of the top of a mountain.


Mary Jane was highly interested in “Art as a social deed.” As she followed this thought in more than one blog I realized that my art fit into that same category. Thank you, dear Mary Jane!

My Art as Healer and Revealer

Blog #86

The weather has been cold and I have not wanted to go to the studio to paint. In the winter when I enter the studio it can be as low as 40 degrees. It has a wood burning stove so it takes a while to get the room warm. My son Peter gave me a radiant heater that will keep my body warm while I get the fire started.

Mano has been guiding me to review some of my writings from ten or more years ago. He is bringing up some ‘hidden treasures’ that are helping me to remember what I am about and encourage me to find ways to move through any resistance.

Here is what I wrote in my brain drain 15 years ago:

Reflecting on an article in a newsletter called Pause for Beauty, Rodrick MacIver talks about success and failure. He has quotes from famous people who thought of themselves as failures, even when they were acclaimed by the world as a success.

I realize I don’t think like that. My art is my life, it is about me. I will use this stimulus to explore once again what I am about. Art has been my healer and revealer. My painting has been a vehicle for me to move into an unknown part of myself and explore. Out of the exploration has come the recognition that my soul calling is to relate with the angel and elemental world of nature that appeared as I painted with my heart. To think about success or failure seems to relate to how I am seen in the world, what others think of my work. That would be living from the outside in and letting the outside determine my value, worth, and success.

As far as I am concerned, my success and value stems from “am I doing the work or not?” When I sit down to paint, do I do it automatically from my head or do I open my heart and tune in to align with the spirit world before painting?

Who do I actually open to? Who do I align with? I have never asked this specifically. First, I focus on my heart, asking it to expand and expand and expand until I feel a connection with another dimension of life, which I loosely call the spirit world. Today as I tune in to my Council and ask questions, I find it is more specific than I was thinking. I am not simply tuning in to the spirit world but also to the land, to the amphitheater, and to the earth.

My commitment is about connecting with the beings of this land; the beings of the earth; the beings of the amphitheater and the consciousness of Mother Earth.

I realized my passion is not just to paint. The value of my studio, which is like a temple with a 20-foot vaulted ceiling and a north wall of glass looking into the forest, is not for producing pictures. Its enormous value is that it gives me a sacred space to explore and to see what emerges from the inspiration I receive from connection with the beings on the land. 

My art and my writing are to give expression to this connection. It is important that I record in word and color my inner process of waking to the reality of the non-physical beings who inhabit the world. It is important that I build a relationship with these “unsung heroes blessing humanity.” It is important that I record their energies, it is important that I give physical form to their inner world forms.

It is important that I remember to appreciate them, for there would be no life on earth, no physical bodies to inhabit, no food to eat or houses to live in without the silent loving service these beings of the land, the beings of the elemental world of earth, air, fire, and water, who constantly contribute to Mother Earth and her human children.

My Nature Contacts have told me that my art is a portal for those non-physical consciousnesses to enter the world of manifest form. The nature beings delight in the process, watching colors and shapes create images and pictures. It doesn’t matter if the pictures are large or small; they are grateful for the interaction with a human.

Out of these meandering thoughts I have a deep heart awareness that my life and art come from a large soul commitment to be part of the New Age that is coming. My life is about restoring the original plan on earth in which angels, humans, and elementals co-created together for their own evolution and the evolution of the planet.


  1. marsha johnson

    i’m always uplifted by the ways you express what is true for you,Barbara. you encourage your friends to be authentic to their soul’s guidance and expressions as well.
    gratefully, Marsha

  2. Carolyn

    I really enjoyed reading this post, Barbara, as it reminds me of what I need to do before starting to paint. I’ve done this process of opening to the spirit world when I sculpt in clay; however, I am learning to paint and, with some exceptions, have approached it from the outside in rather than the inside out. So, thanks for the wonderful reminder! Stay well.

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