Den Du Speaks

Den Du Speaks

REMINDER from Mano:

Prayers for Mother Earth are always appreciated and in times of disaster they are desperately needed. It is deeply appreciated when humans are willing to give attention and support to Nature in times of need.

REMARKS from Barbara:

The easiest time for me to remember to send prayers, gratitude, and blessings is when I first step outside and feel the fresh air on my face.


Every morning Mary Jane stepped outside to do her exercise and bless the elementals.

Den Du Speaks

Blog #103


I felt 5 or 6 elementals waiting to come in.  

I felt the larger overshadowing neighborhood elemental enter also.

With the pendulum I asked Mano if my awareness was true and he said, “yes.”

I realize this is the same being I met a few weeks ago. 

He has appeared twice in the paintings I have been doing here at the beach. The first was a few elementals with one larger being with a pointed ear. I called this an ‘elf ear’. It was the first time I have seen a being like that. A few weeks later he appeared again in my painting this time as a single being. I realized he was making himself known to me.

So now Dear Sir you have come to visit, I sit with the computer ready to record anything you wish to say.

This is an unusual happening for me and one I look forward to, being able to talk with a human.

When I was seen by your friend Robin and was able to walk and talk with her, I saw the opening possibility .db. to create a line of communication I have desired with all of my heart for many years.

When you named me Den Du, I put in the request to speak to the one you call O Den Du. And he spoke of his companion the old lady called Iole.  

I am not saying that you are going to become ‘My Old Lady.” I understand that not many women would appreciate that label. And so I do not say or use it.

After all we are just beginning to speak and I have also been informed that you have one named Mano that has been working with and training you to be open to interact with the Elemental Kingdom.

He said it took him many years and a very patient process to awaken your consciousness to the dimension of the elemental, then to get you to believe what was told you by many who can see the elemental kingdom to believe their stories and accept the role Mano has asked of you.

Now I am able to step through the door of your consciousness and be accepted as real and Friend. Friend is what I would like to develop in the relationship possible between us.  .db.

Each morning as you travel in spirit to ‘high consciousness’ to bring down a stream of the Mothers Divine Love. This has become a powerful magnet that is drawing many more people to this precious beach and town to receive this radiant energy of Mother Love. This energy becomes available where the ocean and land meet. The constant flow of waves to the shore pushes the Mother Love energy inland and other rows of elementals pick it up and carry it inland.

Wave after wave of elemental workers move prayers of blessing from one place to another. It is their job to cover the land with prayers and blessings to nourish elementals in each area with the light of the divine brought to the earth by those humans who pray and offer blessings to the earth and to the people of earth.

When the earth has been blessed, the elementals of the earth pick up that blessing. Then it is available for the humans who walk on the earth with open heart and a song in their hearts to receive these blessings that are being spread from one location to another.

The prayers appear as light to us and that light can be multiplied and—— (everything stopped, my mind had intervened and I was in a flow of my own thoughts not the sharing that Den Du was offering)

I apologize dear Sir. And will open again if you can trust me.

It is not a matter of trust. It is a matter of familiarity. While this information is new to your mind, there is a place in your soul that has seen this transfer of energies that result in the flow of prayers offered for the earth. This is enough now. I appreciate if you would share it with your friends when possible.

There is a desperate need for mother earth at this time. Her elemental workers are so delighted when they can work with human energy of light and love to be a blessing to their mother.

Thank you Den Du.  I will write the next Blog with your story.


  1. Liz Spera

    Greetings Barbara!
    What a beautiful image I hold in my mind’s eye! The energy moving from the ocean, over the land and the Elementals moving the prayers of blessing. Thanks to you and Den Du for the teachings!
    Peace and Joy,
    Auburn CA

  2. Marsha Haner Johnson

    “Each morning as you travel in spirit to ‘high consciousness’ to bring down a stream of the Mothers Divine Love…”

    …”Travel in spirit in ‘high consciousness”…

    Dear Barbara,

    I give thanks for this reminder to open more closely to this spirit of ‘high consciousness. As I look out over the nearby river valley to the Chrystal Range mountains in the distance, I will open to this spirit in ‘high consciousness’.


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