Reminder from Mano: Live life abundantly in relationship with nature, recognizing the elemental beings and angels when you feel the freshness of ocean, lake, stream, rain, or snow.

If, as Charles Eisenstein proposes, revitalized ritual is “alive, evolving out of the moment, expanding your awareness even to dimensions you may think you don’t know, calling to it those who will hold the space”, then Barbara’s early August 90th birthday celebration in the amphitheater was a beautiful illustration. The sun filtered through the redwoods and madrones, bubbles floated, feet danced on earth, hands joined, flowers lent their juices to painting, tea cups lifted ceremoniously in a sheltered alcove, and cherished family and friends, old and young, met, shared, and discovered one another. Here Barbara describes the serendipity and consciousness behind this creation.
Early this year my family informed me that they wanted to give me a “surprise” birthday party to celebrate my 90 years on the planet. They had wanted to do this for my 80th and 85th birthdays, but I really did not want it. So the big surprise, for me and for them, was that I loved the idea.
Immediately I started watching my Council of Gnomes send a flow of ideas through my mind and heart about how to celebrate with my friends.
One granddaughter suggested potluck food. I immediately knew “no, I want to share the food I love with my friends.” And so I decided to order party trays from Gale’s, our wonderful local bakery and delicatessen. My daughter-in-law Donna offered to take responsibility for the ordering and pick-up. When she saw how many different trays I had in mind, she suggested that because everyone would want to taste everything, fewer choices with lots of each would simplify and still fill everyone up. I chose mushroom turnovers, savory cream puffs, cheese platter, tea sandwiches, and a devilish, delicious super chocolate cake, with fresh strawberries for those who don’t eat sugar or chocolate.
The council planned the event with me, offering wonderful, inspired, and ingenious ideas. We had the party in the amphitheater so that all could be blessed by its angels and the spirits of the Land. More than 70 dear friends from near and far gathered to “Celebrate Barbara”. They parked their cars in my neighbor’s lot and my son-in-law Jeff shuttled them into the amphitheater. This alone was a satisfying birthday present, as I sat on my stool greeting each guest with a hug and an angel card. Near me was a memorial table with a candle and picture of my husband Jim and daughter Anne who now live in the heavenly realms. I wanted them to be present for my big celebration.
It was my delight to share things I love. Friends loaned me eight 10-foot-long banners that swayed in the breeze from 20-foot poles, adding a stunning dimension. My son Peter, with his wife Donna and three members of their local Ben Lomond band (Ben Lonesome and the Highway Niners), played music to greet everyone as they arrived. I asked each person to introduce themselves to three people they didn’t know and find out how they had met me—an easy way for people to feel free to interact with strangers. My friend Nita had a “station” with a large white paper and flowers to give people the chance to experience painting with flowers, rubbing them on the paper to experience the magic transfer of color from flower to paper. My heart sang with joy when I glanced over and saw my three-year-old granddaughter Willow crawling onto the large white paper, intensely creating a trail of geranium marks as she moved. I adore bubbles and have a number of 8-inch diameter bubble wands, which were available for the little children and for the child-within-the-adults that also love bubbles. My great-grandson Neil, 18 months old, was wet from head to toe as he splashed bubble juice all over as he played at making bubbles.
My friends Cyndi and Phoenix served tea in the enchanting and magical setting behind two madrone trees at the edge of the forest, welcoming people to sit on pillows and sip exquisite Chinese tea from delicate 1-inch cups. I always experience a magical transformation when I sit on the floor sipping tea for an hour or more with friends. Often little poems run through my altered mind, like “God in you, God in me, God in the heavens, God in the tea”.
I created a children’s area by placing benches around a blanket in the middle of the amphitheater. On the blanket were blocks and a basket of trolls my children once played with. One of the visions I had held in my heart when planning my party was fulfilled as the two circle dances surrounded the children’s play area, where the children all sat playing with the troll dolls. Jim and I offered circle dance in the amphitheater monthly for nearly 20 years.
I introduced my family—children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren—and asked them to share an early memory of being with me. I loved discovering just what memories they chose. Before we had cake, I shared the story of how Jim and I were guided and blessed to become the owners and caretakers of the amphitheater. It is a wonderful and magical story. Long ago, after visiting the amphitheater, a friend called me the guardian of angels.
I don’t enjoy the traditional birthday song, which can be heavy and dull, so I introduced a lively tune that carried my theme of Celebration:
Oh Barbara, celebrate Barbara,
Sing it with an open and joyful heart.
Oh Barbara, celebrate Barbara,
Sing it with an open heart!
An inspired idea from the gnome council was to gift my guests with their choice of prints I had created years earlier to sell through stores. I would like to offer you, my readers, this same gift. The three prints to choose from appear above, and here.
Let me know which one you want, your address, and $10 to cover shipping and postage. If possible please include your address on a mailing label so it can simply be put on the package.
Barbara Thomas
11737 Alba Rd
Ben Lomond, CA 95005
You can also order via Paypal. Please send $10 and be sure to include your address and mention which print you want, in the note field.
I live in gratitude for this monthly opportunity to share the things I love with all of you, as Mano, Mary Jane, and I collaborate to share experiences and teachings from the Council of Gnomes.
Happy Birthday
I delight in this grand event through your retelling.
Happy Birthday and blessing to you from Mendocino County CA.
You bring all of us great joy. I am grateful to have met you one time in San Mateo and look forward to your monthly blogs. Great blessings and confinued health to inspire us. DelilH shank
Dear Barbara,
I send you love, blessings, and joy as you celebrate this special birthday all this year long! I delight in imagining how meaningful and wonderful for all that the celebration was!
Love, Julie
Dear Barbara,
What a magical birthday gathering! I bet the resident Elementals and Elemental Arch Angels were having a wonderful time celebrating with you!
Hope the wrist is mending!
Love, Light and Creativity,
Gnome Habitat USA
Auburn CA
Very dear Barbara,
My heart is overflowing with joy and gratitude. Beauty, peace, celebration…
Beautiful Barbara,
Thank you so much for sharing the lovely images of children dancing in celebration of your 90th. What a joy to witness and be with you in Spirit. I love remembering happy days walking amid those magnificent redwoods, and wish you great joy and love these next 10 years plus…
Peace, love and friendship
Joanie C from Pathways To Peace
Infinite Love & Blessings, Angel Barbara
So jolly and lively you and all yours be at this time of 90 – with love and gratitude for the one visit to your full world!