Barbara will be a presenter at the Starseed Visionary Conference event in Santa Cruz, hosted by Narayani Gaia & Chief Elk Man, on May 13 & 14, 2017. If you cannot attend in person, you can still join the event Livestreaming online.
Complete info & registration links here
LOCATION: 1119 PACIFIC AVE. 3RD FLOOR. SANTA CRUZ CA (above Logos, enter on Cedar Street side)
The Call goes forth. Nature needs people to open their hearts and minds to build a relationship with the Spirits of the Land.
Barbara shares stories of 30 years interacting with nature beings that live with her in the heart of the redwood forest. Angels, Elementals, and Mother Nature are in need of positive human interaction.
The natural interaction between people, angels and elementals was burned out of human consciousness in the western world during the 300 years of inquisition when people were killed for their knowledge and relationship with the spirits of the land.
Transforming our fears and self limitation
Workshop with Barbara Thomas
Magic can happen when we let our minds rest and allow our hearts to speak.
Using colored chalks we will put the energy of an incident on paper, then allowing our Inner Artist to transform the picture, ‘voila’ magic happens.