Love, Respect, and Consciousness

Love, Respect, and Consciousness

painting by Barbara Thomas

REMINDER from Mano:

Nature is coming alive in Barbara’s Garden. Leaves budding from sleeping branches, flowers on long stems blowing in the breeze. All coming alive to honor Mother Nature and her elemental children: earth, air, fire, and water.

REMARKS from Barbara:

My life has been blessed this month as I have opened my heart to the dimension of respect, honor, and appreciation.


I am filled with gratitude for the years Mary Jane, Mano, and I collaborated on the first blogs.

Love, Respect, and Consciousness

Blog #120

I was inspired to look into my book, LIVING WITH THE SPIRITS OF THE LAND, that was compiled by Mary Jane Di Piero. She completed it at the end of her life. My heart was touched when the first bound copy arrived the day she died. It was nourishing to read and remember the tremendous amount of guidance with which Mano has directed my actions in the beginning when I was learning to connect and communicate. It is hard to believe that was 35 years ago when I was 60, and now I am 95 and all of his guidance is as valid today as it was when I was first beginning. 

Last week I was inspired while reading the Zen and Tea chapter in the Global Tea Hut winter edition of their publication. I drink their tea daily and read their teachings weekly. The article that touched my heart was speaking of the need for respect and asking for permission of nature when we work in the garden, harvest crops, visit a holy location in nature. This reminded me of Mano’s repeated request to say hello to the plants in our garden, tell the rose it is beautiful and give thanks for this gift of beauty and the fragrance that blesses and transforms that moment in time.

I would so love for each of you who have been following Mano’s and my Blog to explore and adventure into the world of communication by writing a letter to Mano, to the spirits that live in your house, to your guardian angel, to the spirits in your garden. I am trying to cover a variety of possibilities to find the dimension of spirit that feels most natural and comfortable to you. After you have completed your letter turn your page over and let your spiritual companion write to you. Simply hold an open heart and quiet mind and write each word as it forms in your mind.

As we enter into the 7th Golden Age, interaction between human and spirit is high on the list of possibility and desirability to bring a change and balance within human consciousness. The human and the world of nature are intended to work together, support each other with love, respect, and consciousness.


  1. Moe

    Oh Barbara, I am writing my letter as the sun goes down today, and turning the page over.
    Through the years, your suggestions for a deeper connection with life has breathed more life into me.
    Thank you for….well, everything.

  2. Jennifer Lamb

    It is such a gift to see your lovely face and read the beautiful words. You are an amazing and
    very inspirational person!! I hope we will be together again soon.
    Sending great love.
    Jennifer Lamb

  3. Liz Spera

    Hello Barbara!
    I will be writing to Mano this weekend and talking to the the garden and home elementals as well! This blog has me all fired up to strengthen my relationship with them!
    Thank you so much my Friend!
    Auburn CA

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