Category: <span>Blog</span>

Category: Blog

It’s All Gone

I know it is very important for the salvation of humanity to remember, to return, and to regain the power and heart to relate with the spiritual dimension of life, particularly the angels and elementals which have been assigned to interact, support, and help humanity.

This I have been attempting to do for the last thirty years, ever since I first met Mano. It has taken the fire to open the way in a clearer manner to my seeing, hearing, and feeling their presence. The elementals that I relate with on a regular basis have been very present after the fires. I don’t know if I have been ‘out of my body’ and thus functioning more into the etheric realm or if the elementals have moved into a denser spiritual dimension to be closer to me. I am delighted that it is happening.

The Past is Gone, The Future Just a Dream, The Only Time to Live and Love is Right Now

August 19, 2020 my Ben Lomond cottage burned to the ground in the Santa Cruz Fire. I am now living in the small apartment Jim and I owned in Capitola, California. I am so grateful to have this sweet small familiar space of refuge. One recent morning as I sat in bed I became aware of a group of the elementals that live in my cottage sitting in my lap. I was so happy to know that they escaped with me.

Traveling with a Troop of Gnomes

As I was packing to leave for Ireland Mano casually mentioned that he was sending some of the elementals who live in my house and on my land with me to visit “their homeland” in Ireland.

Hours later as I was pulling my suitcase through the airport, I became aware of five little gnomes walking behind me, each pulling a little suitcase behind them. I thought, gosh, it looks like this is really happening.

Hanging Out With Mother Nature

Last year Mano asked all of us to build a relationship with one particular place in nature.

I had tea with the redwood trees in the front yard. For the past seven years I have dedicated July and August to go daily to the Amphitheater and spend time with the Spirits of the Land.

I greet the Mother tree, a large redwood at the entrance. I open the computer and open my heart and sit with a quiet mind and release my imagination to see what impressions come into my consciousness.

One morning I was sitting on the ground drawing an ink/stick picture of a face in the tree. I was suddenly aware of 5 small gnomes standing in front of me. They were about 2 feet tall and looked me directly in the eye. I greeted them in love and asked them, who are you? “We are the keepers of the land. The ones who do all of the work around here.”

Mano Did It Again

It is midnight. I wake up out of a deep sleep. I feel around and ask myself, where am I? Oh my God I am sitting in the living room with my computer on my lap. Deep in sleep I don’t want to wake up. I cling to the chair, hang onto the walls as I work my way to bed. I lay in bed for more than an hour; it looks like I am not going to simply fall back to sleep. I have experienced being able to fall asleep when listening to a teaching tape. Music doesn’t do it; the sound of a human voice does.

Dithering Without Direction

I am in the studio, ‘dithering’ without direction. Once again pondering, who am I? What is my life about? I have done this many times. The things I have already established are: I am an artist; my life and art are in service to Mother Earth.

I know I am on the planet to serve Mother Earth, her elemental and angelic kingdoms, and to assist bringing in the 7th Golden Age. My Art is my healing mode, for the earth and for myself. It is my way of transforming energies, my way to bring in the Sacred Fire in color and form. I am to create patterns of healing energies for the angels and nature spirits to pick up and use.

My Art as Healer and Revealer

My art is my life, it is about me. I will use this stimulus to explore once again what I am about. Art has been my healer and revealer. My painting has been a vehicle for me to move into an unknown part of myself and explore. Out of the exploration has come the recognition that my soul calling is to relate with the angel and elemental world of nature that appeared as I painted with my heart. To think about success or failure seems to relate to how I am seen in the world, what others think of my work. That would be living from the outside in and letting the outside determine my value, worth, and success.

The Angels Need a Stable Place to Land

I heard one speak, “It is a hard time on the planet earth. There is much sadness and fear. We are called upon in ways that are many and varied to bring balance to the internal structure of the planet, to hold her on a balanced course.

“The emotional bodies of many throughout humanity are so out of balance they are causing a dangerous situation for The Mother. We are asking you and many humans who consciously work with us, to keep your own life in balance and harmony.

Bringing Spirit to Matter

REMINDER from Mano: It is important to review some of the earlier teachings to demonstrate the process I had to work through to learn how to communicate. It is my desire that those who read my blog will try it. REMARKS from Barbara: The quote in bold at the end is the first communication Mano ever dictated to me. I was typing an introduction to an art show when all of a sudden my thoughts shifted course and I wrote what I heard. It felt so natural it…

The Reality of the Elemental Kingdom

“Everything, absolutely everything, every product in our house, everything that makes up our life, first came from the earth. Food, clothing, cars, houses, telephones, iPods, computers—earth supplied it all.

“One step further, even among those who do recognize that all products and produce come from resources within the earth, few realize that those products and produce are governed by intelligent beings known as elementals.