Category: <span>Blog</span>

Category: Blog

Bringing Spirit to Matter

In this time of great change, all attempts to reach toward a new paradigm of unification—joining again the elemental, angelic, and human realms, the right brain with the left, spirit and science, the complex marvels of nature with the human fiddling that is instinctive in our beings—all of these attempts surely have a role to play. They don’t always agree or even get along, and probably none of them, alone, is complete, but we can honor them and strive to reconcile and integrate them. My brother has worked,…

30 Blogs Later

On Friday the 13th, Barbara and I were back at her dining table talking about our respective journeys and how they related to what the blog is to become. We were remembering our first planning conversation at this table, nearly two years ago, and Barbara exclaimed: 30 blogs later! Let’s call Andrea to take another picture. (Andrea Boone lives on Barbara’s land and took a similar picture for the first blog, published April 22, 2013). We are feeling pretty chipper about this endeavor. We have some readers—some “preaching…

Patience, Patience, Patience

In early January I (Mary Jane) heard a two-day presentation—“Where Is the Elemental World?”—by Dennis Klocek, whose biodynamic agriculture work takes its inspiration from Rudolf Steiner. What I’ve always deeply respected about Dennis (I did a seven-month Consciousness Studies course with him some years ago) is that he is always working the indications from Steiner, testing them out, finding new applications, weaving them together by way of Goethe’s observational science. That’s what Steiner said we should do—move the original insights further, rather than simply forming and re-forming them…

Humans and Elementals Need Each Other

 This exploration, this continuing attempt to bridge the long-time divide between humans and nature spirits, is of mutual urgency: humans need the elementals because they carry a living knowledge of the earth that we have lost; they need us, because we embody the great, progressive, experiment of freedom, of conscious collaboration on the planet. Barbara’s work with the elementals is founded on this shared need, and she is so secure in her inner serenity and her task that she can give herself over to their influence, without fear.…

Ink-Stick Drawings

On a recent misty morning, entering the amphitheater with Barbara, we first acknowledged the trees—admirable old friends, even of mine by now. We had just a bit of time to do this ink-stick drawing exercise we had in mind, and Barbara had greeted the Mother Redwood perfunctorily, then turned to set out our materials. “Come back here,” she heard the Mother say, “and greet me with your heart.” She laughed and happily complied, setting the energy right for our meditative task. We began by choosing our “brushes” from the sticks…

Passion and Exuberance

One day as Barbara walked to the amphitheater, she heard Mano say,  “You were an exuberant child raised in a household of repressed adults.” “Looking within,” she says, “I could see the truth I had never realized before. I wanted to be free to express that exuberance, that passion for life, the joy and delight in the mysteries Mano was revealing to me. It didn’t happen all at once. I had to deal with the fear of being ‘too much’ for people. This dilemma was solved when, talking with…

Faerie Time

. . . . in which the gnomes encourage Barbara to call on Faerie Time when she’s feeling there’s not time to do all she wants to do What is time up to? Everyone seems to be talking about how fast it’s going (like this comment from a friend: “I blinked, and September was OVER”). For myself, Monday becomes Friday in a quick morphing flip, but then when I think back to Monday it seems ages ago. I stopped in at the local tea house the other day and, when I…

The Heart of a Gnome

. . . .about when, as Barbara first began connecting with the gnomes, they gifted her with the Heart of a Gnome . . . Sometimes, along the way, I am just moving one foot after another when, suddenly, I receive a gift. For example, I have recently been seeing praying mantises—one on a sunflower, the next on a chair outside my door (this one gracing me with a slow sweeping waltz up my arm), and then yesterday, three in the garden: one that hopped onto my finger from…

Caring for the Body

Virtually everyone I know who has faced a serious injury or disease has molded their treatment to include (sooner or later) both allopathic and alternative approaches. I myself, when confronted in 2010 with an ocular melanoma, quickly did the recommended allopathic treatment—radiation—and then began on an odyssey that I suspect will continue for the rest of my life, exploring issues of inner and outer vision and health. The concepts of health and healing also continue to stretch, as more and more people embrace the way the physical, mental,…

Little Drawings Adopted

“These are only hints and guesses, hints followed by guesses; and the rest is prayer, observance, discipline, thought, and action.” T.S. Eliot In my experience with doing the little drawings, two other similar exercises have come into my life. One is from Julie, the wildflower botanist, who has her students choose a plant that calls them, observe it carefully, draw it as a contour drawing (following the outlines without looking at the paper) or just look and draw, next draw its essence, and then record the message the…