Caring for the Body

Caring for the Body

Touching Mother Earth wrapped in a rainbow ✨💚✨
Touching Mother Earth wrapped in a rainbow ✨💚✨ (photo by Dawn Roh)

REMINDER from Mano:

We were sorry that Barbara had to spend time in the hospital. Actually, it was a good experience interacting with all of the care givers. What I wanted most for her to experience and remember was the Elemental Presence watching over her. 

REMARKS from Barbara:

After a week home I went to the Amphitheater with two friends for a picnic lunch.  I felt a strong call to lie down on the ground and feel deeply into the loving presence of the Amphitheater.  I felt nourished and deeply cared for as I moved into a deep, deep sleep. I was awakened when it was time to leave. I felt like I was part of the earth and the earth nurtured my soul.


As she went through her cancer bout, her journey was filled with so much love and care from family friends, Mano, and a troop of elemental companions.

Last month I took a fall, hit my head, and ended up in the hospital for 10 days. While in the hospital at times I became aware of my Elemental Companions with me as the nurses and caretakers worked with me. Each time they came into my inner vision or inner hearing I felt so very comforted and cared for.

I called and asked Gretchen to find one of Mary Jane’s Blogs to share with you when I returned home and sent out my October blog. I found it interesting how the Council has found many ways to teach me, interacting with me, their human.

Caring for the Body

Blog #137

by Mary Jane Di Piero
Originally presented in August 2014 

Virtually everyone I know who has faced a serious injury or disease has molded their treatment to include (sooner or later) both allopathic and alternative approaches. I myself, when confronted in 2010 with an ocular melanoma, quickly did the recommended allopathic treatment—radiation—and then began on an odyssey that I suspect will continue for the rest of my life, exploring issues of inner and outer vision and health. The concepts of health and healing also continue to stretch, as more and more people embrace the way the physical, mental, and spiritual are always intertwining and influencing one another. 

Certainly, before this blog, I would not have thought of consulting gnomes or other elementals for healing. They were not the “alternatives” within my consciousness. Yet really, all these paths are similar in that they encourage us to re-discover the essential power of our hearts and the divine love we were all born out of.

Barbara’s notebook entries reiterate this repeatedly, and the elementals keep stressing their willingness to help whenever asked. One powerful expression of this came a week after Barbara’s husband Jim died. “You were wise to come to council,” the gnomes told her. “The tides of emotion could sweep you away. There is much to be done, as you take over the home and business to guide for yourself. As for your health and daily activities, we ask you to stay connected with us. It is vitally important and we stand ready to be of assistance to you. As we have said before, it is for our evolution as well as yours.” 

Several months later, returning home from Europe, Barbara lamented, “My body has gotten out of balance with jet lag and pushing myself. Most importantly, I have not connected with council and have ignored the amphitheater.” The response she received from the council was, “We have watched you go through indifference and then turmoil over getting settled after Jim’s death. We wonder why you have not remembered the stability you receive by connecting with our dimension of life and our council. It has been necessary for us to allow your body to get out of balance since you did not volunteer to come to us. We didn’t cause the imbalance, just allowed it. Your health and well being for the past few years have been to a certain extent due to our care of your body, which is the vehicle we are using to make inroads into the consciousness of humanity.” 

The council then suggested that to regain a healthy balance she contact her body elemental, Mara, whose work is to teach her the ways of the heart. “Open your heart to receive,” Mara counsels. “Feel the pressure and power entering from the earth, through your feet into your heart. As you develop the habit of holding your awareness centered in your heart, you will find yourself feeling more nourished and more attuned to the plants and persons around you. The only way you can hear spirit is through your heart. You will notice that as you feel your heart energy your feet get tingly, for you have also aligned with your root and earth chakras.” 

“What you do to build your energy level is a blessing for us and for all who touch your aura. You have already been given the way to do this. Touch your heart, drop your energy, your consciousness into the center of the earth; pull the earth energy back up to your heart and then move on that earth power to do what needs to be done.” 

Once when Barbara was experiencing chest pain, the council reassured her: “Do not think you are ill or in danger. As long as you stay conscious and in communication we will be able to move your body through the changes necessary. You will not need to get sick to make the changes. That is totally not in order.” 

Barbara describes this elemental “body work”: “I was told to lie down on the earth. Then they told me they were rewiring me, reconnecting me to parts of myself that had been severed long ago. They didn’t tell me what these parts were, so I would experience the healing on my own and know it was truly happening. If they had been specific, I might have thought I was creating what they’d said.” 

Another similar experience came when she was lying on the ground between two mature madrone trees. “My inner listening heard a voice in my head saying, ‘We need to attune and adjust your body.’ I saw small elementals, one-half inch in height, moving all over my body, attuning my energies to align with spirit, raising my vibration into the frequency of my higher chakras. Adjusting my emotions and physical body are a constant working needed to bring my human consciousness into a more harmonious frequency with nature. Then I can truly be of service.” 


  1. Marsha Haner Johnson

    My dear Barbara,

    My husband Dennis was at the Tahoe JFO camp and shared with me how lovely it was that you were there. I’m deeply thankful for your healing and your oneness with our Mother Earth. You are in my love and prayers,
    Marsha Johnson

  2. Dearest Barbara,

    I trust you are recovering and feeling better every day!
    Your spirit and loving care for all those around you and connecting with your spirit guides has always inspired for me. You keep the torch lit and your brave way of showing us the way is a great blessing.

    I plan to come down in November for a retreat Nov.8-10 in Santa Cruz. My hope is there is a chance to stop in and give you a sweet hug.

    Always Love, Art and Our Guiding Spirit Lighting the way,

  3. Liz Spera

    Hello Barbara,
    Sorry to hear about the fall. Thanks to you and Mano for the reminder to ask for help from our Elementals when it comes to healing. ❤️‍🩹
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
    Auburn Ca

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