Barbara Thomas

Council of Gnomes Blog

Artistic Nurturing in the Amphitheater

Reminder from Mano:When you see a beautiful view, tell the elementals of that land that they are beautiful. I have been doing Marko Pogacnik’s January meditation, “Staying Connected with the Matrix of Life” (you can find it on his website under “meditations”). As a first step, I become aware of my elemental heart, holding it upon my hands at the end of the breastbone and feeling its exquisite quality. Marko says, “The elemental heart is a holographic piece (a fractal) of the heart of the Earth. Human beings…

Art and Magic in the Amphitheater

Reminder from Mano:When you step outside, say hello to Mother Nature. The “art as a cultural deed” theme brings me to the value and blessing of powerful places that teach us, through their access vortexes of beauty, to connect—up and down, horizontal and vertical, through prayer, art, imagination. The Amphitheater is a shining example. In her 2014 book Celebrating the Magic of Jim’s Road, Barbara tells the story of where she lives, a small, vibrant spot off Alba Road in Ben Lomand. Through the years, it called to…

Art as a Cultural Deed Continued

I recently heard a talk about Joseph Beuys, a German post-WWII artist, extremely influential, who wrote, drew, painted, and created displays and action installations. One of these installations, or social sculptures as he called them—“Honey Pump in the Workplace”—had a system of transparent tubes conveying honey around a room, as people shared their ideas in 100 days of conversation. Bueys made the case that we are all artists, that we can moment-to-moment enliven the world with our thinking, our warmth of heart, our commitment to the deep rhythms…

Art as a Cultural Deed

Reflections on Little Drawings by Barbara Thomas When Mary Jane quoted Dennis Klocek advocating “art as a cultural deed,” I was charmed and curious. “What does that mean?” I pondered, and was then stunned and delighted to realize that it is what I have been doing for over 35 years. It is what my art is about, what I am about. Long before I met Mano, to relate to in person, he guided me into the experience of doing little drawings while traveling or in meetings. I would entertain…

The Courage To Be Real

Thinking back to what I wrote in the December blog, when the little ones (of the gnome world) showed up during my massage and asked the therapist to tell me that I don’t need to work so hard to see them because “I already do”, I felt an immediate confirmation—that relaxing into “knowing” that comes not so often as to be taken for granted but often enough to stick in my heart as a guiding star. Barbara often says, “Now that the gnomes have us—have our attention—they’re not going…

Trust Invites Trust

I seem never to tire of stories people tell about how they have come to trust their own unique ways of communicating with plants, animals, angels, and elementals. I think this is because such stories remind me of the rather saucy declarations I have occasionally made since retiring: What else is there for me to do in this lifetime but to develop these extra layers of consciousness and know them intimately? As alike as the stories and suggestions sometimes seem—for example: even if you initially feel foolish, ask…

Giving Nature a Voice

One thing I keep thinking, particularly as I read the daily news, is that a significant missing link in the ongoing conversation about climate change is the consultation with nature itself—with the trees, the nature spirits, the elements. Although my own steepings and ramblings in the nature spirit realm continually build my trust, I can’t even imagine how a New York Times news article or op-ed piece, or, for that matter, a climate change book-club conversation, could convincingly advocate for learning to listen to what the plants and animals have…

Making Hierarchy Sing

There is joy in fulfilling to the fullest whatever rung on the hierarchical ladder I occupy. I don’t exactly know what place that is, but I know a couple of things: it is always a good idea to turn the question over to higher guidance, and the growth edge is in knowing when to step into the challenge of leading and when to relax into following. And sometimes my challenge is to be conscious that in letting others help me I allow them to fulfill their own roles.…

Heartfelt Hierarchy

In my conversations with people who are tuned into the world of nature spirits and are striving to listen deeply, questions about hierarchy often come up. What is a human’s proper role in this new, expanded picture? Often enough, in my own attempts I feel way down on the totem pole of wisdom, rather than at the top, as human beings are supposed to be—sensing that I have more to learn than I have to give. My nature communication group was recently wondering about the need for a…

Listening to the Land

I am always thrilled when I find people who are moving with beautiful, natural grace and confidence in their connection with nature spirits. Somehow being around these people gives me energy and hope in the direction of deepening and giving myself over to these subtle layers of reality. Now I am honored to be part of a small new group that is giving its attention to nature communication—speaking with the land, in the first part of our meetings, and then speaking with one another about what we’ve gathered…