Barbara Thomas

Council of Gnomes Blog

Pay Attention to the Entrance

Reminder from Mano: When possible, have your feet on the soil as you walk. When on concrete, see your feet going beneath, to the surface of the earth. Send love through your feet to the earth and through your eyes to all of nature around you. Another admirable January event in Nevada City/Grass Valley (in addition to the Wild and Scenic Film Festival I mentioned last month) is the Food and Farm Conference. Among the local presenters was a mom I sometimes see at my grandson’s preschool, a beekeeper. I…

Moving Beyond Mind

Reminder from Mano: When you drink a glass of water, say thank you to the water elemental. Each January Nevada City/Grass Valley hosts the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, with a rich offering of movies about the natural world, about people engaging in environmental and cultural innovation and preservation, about finding honorable ways of existing in this most interesting time. I have launched my own search, in these days, for people whose authenticity makes me feel alive and awake, who are unapologetic about their spiritual explorations, who can…

What’s in a Name?

Mano reminder: Ask more. Ask more often. Ask more specifically. As my heart warms . . . breathing deepens, brain relaxes, spine straightens to align harmoniously with the flow of earth and cosmos. We all, I am sure, have these soft interludes, when we slide out of our logical brain and make way for magic. We fall in love, with other people but also with our dogs, our sports heroes, our music, our work, our gardens. We find ourselves longing to return to some beloved activity over and…

The Awakening

Reminder from Mano: Bless the objects in your house that serve you and give you pleasure (for example, the computer, stove, flower arrangements). All of these are composed of the elements of earth, water, air, and fire. A friend joked the other day that perhaps this election was a great conspiracy on the part of the gnomes to wake us all up. From one perspective or another, the vitriolic campaigning, the great confusion about truth, the shock of the result, the fear and then new resolve the election…

Summer Journeying to the Amphitheater

Reminder from Mano: Soften your heart and send love to the flowers in your garden. This blog will be Barbara’s writing about her two-month commitment in the summers to spend several hours in the amphitheater each day. First, though, comes my introduction. The three-way agreement among Barbara, Mano, and me is that I will start each blog with something personal. When Mano suggested to Barbara three and a half years ago that she ask me to help with the blog, we both expected that I would just edit…

Moment-to-Moment Guidance

Reminder from Mano: Say hello to the Spirits of the land, the Geni Loci, when entering a park, going to the beach, hiking in the mountains. Knowing that Spirit (angelic or elemental) is always placing “next steps” in my path and that I’m committed to paying attention, in mid-September I attended a Gift Economics workshop at the Lama Foundation near Taos, New Mexico. Two of the presenters are authors whose books have been very important to me in the past couple of years: Charles Eisenstein: The More Beautiful…

Remembering the Plan

Reminder from Mano: If you live alone, after sending blessing to the food, open your inner awareness and notice if you feel a spiritual presence sitting at the table with you. For several months I have been engaged in an ongoing conversation with this melanoma that made its presence known in early May. My first melanoma, in 2010, was in my eye; this one appeared as a nicely contained lump in my breast. Since it’s a re-appearance—even though it’s seemingly not related to the eye cancer—the diagnosis was…

Angel Talk

Reminder from Mano: “If you see a face in the bark of a tree or leaf configuration, say hello, I send you love. Last night I picked up a book a friend had dropped off—Talking with Angels: Budaliget 1943—a transcript of the Friday afternoon dialogues with angels four Hungarian young adults had toward the end of World War II. An opening line caught my eye: “The angels said, ‘What could be more natural than our talking with each other?’ May this book help many new dialogues to be…

The Garden Master Gnome

Reminder from Mano: Touch the leaf of a tree, bush, or flower and tell it you love it. Barbara documented the following gnome encounter in May 2011. It sounds so natural and matter-of-fact, someone unfamiliar with her dedicated striving through the years might imagine that she has a secret channel into the elemental realm. In a way she does—a connection she has been moving toward and cultivating in one way or another for all of her 88 years. Even now, I never observe her taking her communications for…

Love and Compassion

Reminder from Mano: Send blessings to the plants along the freeway. Mature elementals have volunteered for this difficult job. Back in the late 60s, I had a job for a while selling children’s encyclopedias door to door in San Francisco. The very charismatic leader of this group of young women was Werner Erhard, and the motivational tools he was using to encourage us to work on ourselves (while selling a lot of books) became the foundation for Erhard Seminar Training (EST). One morning-meeting “mantra” I remember was, “Every day,…