Barbara Thomas

Council of Gnomes Blog

Journey Into Being

Reminder from Mano: When you see a face in the bark or leaves of a tree, open your heart and say “hello”. Ask if it wants to speak to you. Ask what you can do for it. The book Barbara is just completing is autobiographical, but specifically it’s a spiritual autobiography. She has a view, now, from her year-90 perch, that unveils for her the adventures and serendipity of how family, friends, teachers, books, travel, moving—all the small and large pieces of her life—fit together like puzzle pieces…


Reminder from Mano: Be aware of the seasons and live vibrantly with gratitude for Mother Nature’s bounty, the generosity and beauty of each season. Savor the flavor of cherries in spring, watermelon in summer, apples in autumn. Enjoy the first bulbs of spring, the leaves that turn in the fall, the winter storm, and summer vacation. For all of your conscious relating with us, we give you the gift of a grateful heart. For several years Steven Odell lived on Barbara’s land, and one of his fine contributions…


Reminder from Mano: Live life abundantly in relationship with nature, recognizing the elemental beings and angels when you feel the freshness of ocean, lake, stream, rain, or snow. If, as Charles Eisenstein proposes, revitalized ritual is “alive, evolving out of the moment, expanding your awareness even to dimensions you may think you don’t know, calling to it those who will hold the space”, then Barbara’s early August 90th birthday celebration in the amphitheater was a beautiful illustration. The sun filtered through the redwoods and madrones, bubbles floated, feet…

Prints Available

Out of gratitude to the angels that have guided my painting and writing I would like to offer poster-size prints of 3 of my paintings for free. Pay only the cost of shipping, $10. Please allow 1-2 weeks for processing your order. Use this link to request a print and pay with Paypal. Please send $10 and be sure to mention which print you want, in the note field. Alternatively, send an email to request a print, and pay by check.   Divine Feminine Image size: 10″x19.5″ Poster…

Oracles Abound

Reminder from Mano: When you arrive at all events bring your energy into total presence. Ask, “How may I serve the people, the angels, nature, Spirit? When you leave say goodbye personally to people. Withdraw your energy from the place and ask for blessings on all people, nature and angels who were there. After last month’s blog on oracles, particularly Barbara’s experience with learning to use and trust the pendulum, I began to get the itch to reconnect with one of my earlier oracle consultants, the alchemy stones.…

Oracles at Work

Reminder from Mano:  “As you walk the earth, enrich your experience by sending blessings. See your feet radiating love into the earth with every step, leaving footprints of love and light wherever you go.” What an interesting conversation it would be to share with a group all of the oracle, or oracle-like tools we have used to guide us in our lifetimes—how we found them, how long we used them, and how they lived in us. For myself, the I Ching caught my attention in the early 1970s,…

Living Ritual

Reminder from Mano: You are never alone. You are never to work alone. Always ask the wise ones of the earth before you do a major activity. They can see the larger picture and the flow of energies. When a melanoma once appears somewhere else in the body—when it metastasizes—it alerts its human host that it may turn up anywhere at all . . . in an organ, a lymph node, a muscle, the soft tissue of a breast. These migrational possibilities are way too complex to track or anticipate, and…

Authentic Language

Reminder from Mano: When eating a meal, give thanks to the carrot elementals, the broccoli elementals, etc. NOTICE: Barbara will be a presenter at the Starseed Visionary Conference event in Santa Cruz, hosted by Narayani Gaia and Chief Elk Man, on May 13 & 14, 2017. If you cannot attend in person, you can still join the event Livestreaming online. LOCATION: 1119 PACIFIC AVE. 3RD FLOOR. SANTA CRUZ CA (above Logos, enter from Cedar Street side) Since the spring of 2013 when Mano recommended to Barbara that I help create this blog, the three…

Starseed Visionary Conference – May 13-14, 2017

Barbara will be a presenter at the Starseed Visionary Conference event in Santa Cruz, hosted by Narayani Gaia & Chief Elk Man, on May 13 & 14, 2017. If you cannot attend in person, you can still join the event Livestreaming online. Complete info & registration links here LOCATION: 1119 PACIFIC AVE. 3RD FLOOR. SANTA CRUZ CA (above Logos, enter on Cedar Street side) The Call goes forth. Nature needs people to open their hearts and minds to build a relationship with the Spirits of the Land. Barbara shares…

Returning to the Heart of a Gnome

Reminder from Mano: When you light a candle, give thanks to the fire spirit. Here (says Mary Jane) is a tiny story of my life. In mid-March a routine PET scan showed a small spot on my lung (probably a touch of pneumonia from The Cough) and another one on my breast near where last summer’s melanoma was removed. I can’t have surgery until the cough goes away, so I have come home to wait three weeks. What has slowly filled me is great happiness. My highest good,…