Author: <span>Barbara Thomas</span>

Author: Barbara Thomas

Deep Mind, Surface Mind

I have noticed two ways of thinking and interacting. I have identified and experienced havi­­­ng a deep mind and a surface mind. My Deep Mind is where Mano and my Council speaks to me and the Surface Mind is where my family and friends speak.  Guidance comes to the deep mind as a word or thought floats to the surface. Once walking into my bedroom, I heard the word SANCTUARY emerge from the deep mind. I realized I was to create that room as a Sanctuary for prayer and inner work as well as the place I sleep.

Coming Home to Myself at Last

Barbara missed writing the July blog, and is resisting writing this blog for August. She does not want to turn to Mary Jane for support, so I, Mano, am stepping forth to take over writing the blog. Since I want you to know what is going on in Barbara’s and my life, I will take over and write to you. It is really quite exciting to talk to you directly rather than through Barbara.

Bringing Spirit To Matter

REMINDER from Mano: Meditation, prayer, and intentions are all ways to accomplish the major work of bringing Spirit into the material world. This creates such a blessing in your life. Explore and consciously experience how your life changes when you consciously align with spirit. REMARKS from Barbara: I am getting closer to moving into my new home, ready almost two years after the fire. I send blessings to Mary Jane in gratitude to be able to share her blog this month since I felt too busy to write…

Walking Down Memory Lane

REMINDER from Mano: Humanity lives under the protection and guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy, sometimes called The White Brotherhood, sometimes The Company of Heaven or The Ascended and Angelic Family. Special dispensations are released each year, 40 days before Easter and 40 days before Christmas. Today humanity is in great need, being faced with trauma on many levels. A special dispensation of love, kindness, respect, and courage has been released. I would like for you to consciously receive these blessings from above and send them out horizontally to…

Everyone Has Angelic and Elemental Guardians

Mano used a social date of tea and danish with a dear friend to give me an awareness I did not know and information he wants to share with you in today’s Blog.

We all have a Guardian Council. Mine is composed of Angel, Elemental, and Ancestor. When I first started awakening to the reality that Rama is my Guardian Angel I was led to the 23rd Psalm in the Bible, as assurance this is a gift from God. “God has given his angels charge over thee to guide thee in all thy ways.”

My friend and I spent hours catching up with life since we last were together. Later, thinking over the amazing changes that have happened in her life: surprising immediate answers to a financial need and a new found harmony in a home situation that had looked like a big inconvenience when we last talked, all turned out to be a blessing, I felt Mano’s presence reminding me, “Everyone has Angelic and Elemental Guardians that watch over their life and supplies their needs.”

Love and Compassion

My current personal practice,” she affirms, “is to live in love. This means I must make the big shift from head to heart. To support this practice and prepare me for this current blog on Love and Compassion that Mary Jane was writing, Mano reminded me last week of a time in the late 1970s when I was meditating with friends. One woman saw a large gnome come into the room and place small, limp, pale gnomes around me. Slowly the small gnomes regained color and vibrancy. This experience was Mano’s first connection asking me to be of service to the elementals.” 

Giving Nature A Voice

This month’s post is written by Mary Jane Di Piero, originally presented in November, 2015:

One thing I keep thinking, particularly as I read the daily news, is that a significant missing link in the ongoing conversation about climate change is the consultation with nature itself—with the trees, the nature spirits, the elements. Although my own steepings and ramblings in the nature spirit realm continually build my trust, I can’t even imagine how a New York Times news article or op-ed piece, or, for that matter, a climate change book-club conversation, could convincingly advocate for learning to listen to what the plants and animals have to say about their own survival needs and understandings. Our culture has been away from that reality for too many centuries.

Infused with the Muse

At age 93, just days after her birthday, Barbara Thomas’ sweet home named Amity Cottage in the Santa Cruz Mountains burned to the ground in the CZU Lightning Fire of 2020. While sheltering from COVID and creating plans for her new home, she gathered all of her rambling thoughts, poetry, and prose together in this book, Infused with the Muse. All the writings in this book were created after she was 80. At age 81, she published the DVD Healing Burned Woman, a companion to the book, The…

Infused With the Muse

REMINDER from Mano: You always have guidance. You always have your Guardian Angel and elemental companions watching over you.  Whether you call us Guides, Muse, Inspiration, it doesn’t matter. The point is to recognize you are not alone.  Spirit is always with you. REMARKS from Barbara: In sharing my latest book, Infused with the Muse, I have included the Table of Contents to give you an idea what is in the book, and some of the text to give you a feel of my sharing. REMEMBERING Mary Jane: I totally…

Prayer and Gratitude

One morning as I watched the sunrise over the ocean, I had a ‘teaching awareness’ that the colors of sunrise and sunset are an angelic gift and blessing. It is announcing the ceremony that occurs when the guardian angels of the night are leaving and the guardian angels of the day are taking over. The sunset colors are making the same announcement as the angelic guards change places once again. The colors are the garments angels and elementals wear as they release the healing energies to clear the human polluting thought forms gathered each night and each morning.

My feeling of gratitude to the angels for this beautiful daily ritual gives them great joy to be named and recognized for their selfless service to humanity, Gaia, and all the dimensions of nature.